This Bunks movie has Comedy, and TV Movie genres.
Bunks Film was made by Fresh TV The film was successfully completed and released in 2013 The spoken language used in the film is English.
When two trouble-making brothers scam their way into an idyllic summer camp, they find themselves leading a rag tag cabin of boys into breaking every rule in the book.

Bunks Movie Stars:
Kristen Harris as Mrs. Mintz, Atticus Mitchell as Wookiee, Dylan Schmid as Dylan, Nicholas Bode as Twilight, Samantha Kendrick as Female Drill Sergeant, Breazy Diduck-Wilson as Tiny Zombie Girl, Leigh Truant as Alice, Aidan Shipley as Dane, and Emilia McCarthy as Lauren.
Professional involved in the making of the Bunks film:
Tibor Takács (Director), Michael Marshall (Director of Photography), Tim Burns (Writer), James Chapple (Music), Graeme Cornies (Music), Sara Kay (Casting), David Brian Kelly (Music), Brian L. Pickett (Music), Ian Dimerman (Producer), Brendon Sawatzky (Producer), Jennifer Pertsch (Writer), Mike Kiss (Writer), Maureen Petkau (Costume Design), Deanne Rohde (Production Design), Alanna Mills (Script Supervisor), Jenny Lewis (Casting), Ellen Fine (Editor), Morgyn Johnston (Casting), Cindy e Smith-McGuire (Makeup Department Head), and Kristy Greig (Makeup Effects).
Here are some translations about the movie:
Tábor zombí
Když se dva problémoví bratři lstí dostanou na idilický letní tábor, stanou se vůdci chatky plné kluků, kteří jsou ochotní porušit všechna pravidla. Skutečné problémy ale začnou ve chvíli, kdy omylem spustí kletbu, kvůli které se zombie příběh k táboráku stane skutečností.
Language: Czech
Χαμός στην Κατασκήνωση
Language: Greek
Campamento Zombie
Campamento Zombie es una comedia de iniciación sobre fraternidad, liderazgo y la vida al aire libre. Cuando dos alborotadores hermanos se cuelan en un idílico campamento de verano, acaban provocando que una variopinta cabaña de niños rompa todas las reglas del campamento. Pero el verdadero problema empieza cuando accidentalmente desatan una maldición que hace que una historia de zombies contada en torno a una fogata cobre vida.
Language: Spanish
Zombi tábor
Két bajkeverő testvér egy idilli nyári táborban találja magát, ahol minden szabály le van fektetve egy könyvbe. Az igazi baj akkor kezdődik, amikor véletlenül elindítanak egy olyan átkot, ami életre kelt egy tábori tűzzombitörténetet.
Language: Hungarian
Acampamento do Medo
Quando dois irmãos encrenqueiros vão parar em um tranquilo acampamento de verão, acabam levando um bando de garotos a quebrar todas as regras. Mas os problemas começam mesmo quando eles, acidentalmente, liberam uma maldição que torna real uma história de acampamento sobre zumbis.
Language: Portuguese
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