The Don't Bother to Knock film has Drama, and Thriller genres.
Don't Bother to Knock Movie was made by 20th Century Fox The film was successfully completed and released in 1952 The spoken language used in the film is English.
Jed, an airline pilot, is resting in a hotel when he notices Nell, a young woman babysitting for a wealthy couple. As Jed gets to know Nell better he realises that the woman is not as stable as perhaps she should be.

Don't Bother to Knock Film Stars:
Jim Backus as Peter Jones, Robert Foulk as Doorman (uncredited), Marilyn Monroe as Nell Forbes, Elisha Cook Jr. as Eddie Forbes, Anne Bancroft as Lyn Lesley, Richard Widmark as Jed Towers, Grace Hayle as Mrs. McMurdock (uncredited), Vic Perrin as Elevator Operator (uncredited), Lurene Tuttle as Ruth Jones, Jeanne Cagney as Rochelle, Don Beddoe as Mr. Ballew, Elizabeth Flournoy as Undetermined Role (uncredited), Tom Daly as Man in Elevator (uncredited), Verna Felton as Mrs. Ballew, Willis Bouchey as Joe the Bartender, Dick Cogan as Bell Captain (uncredited), Michael Ross as Pat - Hotel Detective (uncredited), Harry Bartell as Bellboy (uncredited), Donna Corcoran as Bunny Jones, John Call as Bellboy (uncredited), Olan Soule as Bespectacled Desk Clerk (uncredited), Bess Flowers as Woman at Awards Dinner (uncredited), David McMahon as Uniformed Cop at End (uncredited), Eda Reiss Merin as Maid (uncredited), Charles Flynn as Uniformed Cop at End (uncredited), Gloria Blondell as Janie - Cafe Photographer (uncredited), Harold Miller as Banquet Guest (uncredited), Charles J. Conrad as Speaker (uncredited), and Marjorie Holliday as Phone Operator (uncredited).
Those involved in the making of this Don't Bother to Knock film:
Lucien Ballard (Director of Photography), Lyle R. Wheeler (Art Direction), Thomas Little (Set Decoration), Bernard Freericks (Sound), Lionel Newman (Music Supervisor), Travilla (Costume Design), Julian Blaustein (Producer), Daniel Taradash (Screenplay), Roy Ward Baker (Director), Charles Le Maire (Wardrobe Designer), Ben Nye (Makeup Artist), Harry M. Leonard (Sound), Charlotte Armstrong (Novel), Earle Hagen (Orchestrator), George A. Gittens (Editor), Richard Irvine (Art Direction), Paul S. Fox (Set Decoration), and Bernard Mayers (Orchestrator).
What They Said About Don't Bother to Knock Movie:
Nell Forbes was by far the darkest and most volatile character Marilyn Monroe had ever portrayed in her entire career.
Written by Daniel Taradash and directed by Roy Ward Baker, Don't Bother To Knock - a chilling and uncommonly masterful film noir thriller - gives its viewers an up-close glimpse into the crevices of a deeply disturbed human soul.
Need a babysitter ... anyone?
Yet another five star oeuvre, Don't Bother To Knock is an effort of prodigious degree in classic cinema.
Just a couple of years back, I picked up this mammoth 17-film DVD collection of Marilyn Monroe's films for a really good price, only to find that the ridiculous way the discs were placed in the digipack basically ruined them, and after watching the movies the best that I could, I reluctantly had to part with it, hoping the set would soon be released at a decent price on the more resilient blu (as you can tell, I'm old-school and low-fi, but I'm hoping to quickly remedy this problem!).
As you can tell by any of my prior reviews of Richard Widmark's films, I'm a huge fan of his, and he's easily one of my favourite and most entertaining and watchable actors of the period. As well, Roy Ward Baker is one of the most underrated directors of the period--his entry in The Criterion Collection, 'A Night to Remember', is easily the best telling of the 'Titanic' tragedy. Thus simply on the basis of those three alone, I heartily recommend the film to any adventurous cinephiles of this era.
Here are some translations about the movie:
Не се колебайте да почукате
Героинята пристига в хотел в Ню Йорк като детегледачка, призована да изпълнява своите задължения като такава. Но всъщност тя току-що е била освободена от психиатрична клиника, където е научила, че нейният възлюбен е мъртъв...
Language: Bulgarian
Brændende Læber
Piloten Jed bor på hotellet hvor hans tidligere kæreste er sangerinde, men han lægger snart mærke til den smukke Nell, som er barnepasser for et velhavende par. Men som han lærer hende at kende, begynder han at at indse at der er noget helt galt med hende.
Language: Danish
Versuchung auf 809
Sie trafen noch nie eine Frau wie sie...
Das Hotelkindermädchen Nell wird von dem Ehepaar Ruth und Peter Jones engagiert, um auf dessen Tochter Bonny aufzupassen. Zur selben Zeit hat der ruppige Flieger Jed Towers im Zimmer gegenüber Streit mit seiner Freundin Lyn . Die unerwartete Begegnung mit Nell kommt ihm gerade recht. Doch dann stellt sich heraus, dass Nell psychisch krank ist und eine Gefahr für ihre Mitmenschen...
Language: German
Φλογισμένα Χείλη
Νεαρή κοπέλα που εκτελεί χρέη νταντάς ενός κοριτσιού σε δωμάτιο μεγάλου ξενοδοχείου, γνωρίζει έναν πιλότο από το απέναντι παράθυρο και τον προσκαλεί για ποτό. Αυτός πηγαίνει, αγνοώντας πως η κοπέλα είναι ψυχολογικά διαταραγμένη.
Language: Greek
Niebla en el alma
¡... una mala sensación como la chica solitaria en la habitación 809!
Ella es una bella mujer que dedica su tiempo a cuidar a los hijos de los demás. Un día, un atractivo huésped aparece en el hotel buscando un refugio donde curar sus heridas de amor. Entre ambos surge una atracción mutua, pero muy pronto él comenzará a sospechar que ella oculta algo... ¿Qué misterio hay tras la chica de la habitación 809?
Language: Spanish
Troublez-moi ce soir
Dans un hôtel à New York, une femme, Lyn, semble attendre un homme. Il s'avère qu'elle est la chanteuse du bar de cet hôtel et entonne une chanson romantique pour la clientèle. Dans sa chambre du même hôtel, Jed relit une lettre de rupture. Lyn et Jed étaient ensemble.
Language: French
Ne is kopogtass!
Nell Forbes özvegy a liftkezelő nagybátyjának köszönhetően kap munkát egy hotelben, ahol egy vendég házaspár kislányára kell vigyáznia éjszaka. A szemben lévő szobából egy keserű szakításon épp túlesett pilóta, Jed Towers pillantja meg, és búfelejtő gyanánt meghívatja magát a lánnyal. Nem sejti, hogy Nell zavartabb - és veszélyesebb - mint hinné.
Language: Hungarian
La tua bocca brucia
Language: Italian
돈 보더 투 노크
호텔에서 엘리베이터 보이로 일하고 있는 에디는 호텔 투숙객인 존스 부부가 그들의 어린 딸 버니를 돌봐줄 사람을 구하는 걸 알고 자신의 조카 넬을 데려온다. 그러나 아이를 봐야할 넬은 존스 부인의 옷을 입고 장신구를 걸치며 향수를 뿌리는 등 고용인답지 않은 행동을 한다. 한편 호텔에서 가수로 일하는 린의 헤어지자는 편지에 화가 나 따지러 온 제드는 린이 자신을 상대해주지 않자 객실로 돌아갔다가, 맞은편 객실 창가에 있던 넬을 보고 그녀에게 건너간다. 그러나 넬은 혼란스런 태도를 보이며 린에게 가려는 그를 붙잡는다. 그리고 잠이 안 온다고 칭얼대는 버니를 협박한다. 게다가 퇴근한 에디가 오자 넬은 제드를 화장실에 숨기고 누가 있음을 눈치챈 에디가 화장실 문을 열려고 하자 그의 머리를 내려친다. 이에 열쇠구멍으로 내다보고 있던 버니는 울음을 터뜨리고 참견하기 좋아하는 투숙객 발루 부인이 남편과 함께 넬에게 온다. 그 틈을 타 제드는 린에게 가려고 방을 빠져나오지만 넬은 발루 부부에게 그가 칩입했다는 식으로 말하고 발루 부부는 이를 호텔측에 알려 그를 잡으려고 한다.
Language: Korean
Nell Forbes is ontslagen uit een inrichting en krijgt via haar oom werk als babysitter in een hotel. Wanneer ze haar overbuurman Jed Towers ontmoet, krijgt ze het vreemde idee dat hij haar overleden ex-man is.
Language: Dutch
Almas Desesperadas
Nell, sobrinha do ascensorista do hotel, é contratada para cuidar de uma menina enquanto os pais estão numa convenção. Lyn é cantora no bar do hotel e seu namorado Jed, piloto de avião, chegou e a relação está em crise. Então, pela janela do quarto, Jed vê Nell, conversam e ele vai encontra-la. Mas Nell se passa pela hospede, vestindo as roupas e usando o perfume. Quando a garotinha surge Jed não entende e começa a perceber que Nell não é muito equilibrada. Isso porque Nell, em sua fantasia, acha que Jed é o seu noivo do passado. Um thriller único com uma performance dramática rara de Marilyn Monroe.
Language: Portuguese
Nu te obosi să ciocăni
Language: Romanian
Не мораш да куцаш
Мерилин Монро глуми Нел Форбс, лепу, али психички лабилну девојку, која тек што је пуштена са лечења. Проналази посао бејбиситерке у једном реномираном хотелу. Послодавцима не помиње свој боравак у менталној установи. У хотелу борави пилот Џед Тауерс (Ричард Видмарк) који се посвађао са вереницом (Ен Бенкрофт у својој првој улози). Џед одмах почиње да се удвара Нел, али врло брзо сазнаје колико је поремећена лепотица опасна.
Language: Serbian
Drama på hotell
Piloten Jed Towers kommer till ett hotell i New York för att träffa barsångerskan Lyn Leslie som han är kär i. Lyn vill göra slut med Jed som hon anser vara hård och oförstående. Jed visar emellertid en helt annan sida då han tar hand om en ung nervsjuk flicka som sammanblandar Jed med hennes döde fästman.
Language: Swedish
Bir Gecelik Macera
Bebek bakıcısı olarak çalıştığı ve yaşadığı otelde, orada kalan bir adama (Richard Widmark) aşık olan genç ve güzel kadın (Marilyn Monroe) bu bebeğin genç adamla olan aşk ilişkilerine engel olduğu düşüncesi ile bir anda tehlikeli ve yırtıcı biri haline gelir. Anne Bankroft'un da eşlik ettiği bu tüyler ürpertici ve kışkırtıcı filmde, Monroe'yu alışkın olmadığımız derecede karanlık bir karakter olarak izleyeceğiz.
Language: Turkish
Language: Mandarin
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