This Giants Being Lonely film has and Drama genres.
Giants Being Lonely Movie was made by ROD3O The film was successfully completed and released in 2019 The spoken language used in the film is English.
As their senior year comes to an end, the pressure to “make it out alive” seems daunting for high school seniors Bobby, Caroline and Adam. As they each discover what it means to love and be loved they find themselves navigating the complex nature of human relationships, facing their own personal versions of neglect and abandonment. With baseball forming the backdrop to this coming of age story, three teens find themselves on a treacherous path towards adulthood.

Giants Being Lonely Film Stars:
Larry Miller as , Stella Schnabel as , Gabe Fazio as , Alejandro Castro as , Jack Irving as , Ben Irving as , Lily Gavin as , and Amalia Culp as .
Peoples involved in the making of the Giants Being Lonely movie:
Grear Patterson (Screenplay), Audrey Turner (Production Design), Ismael de Diego (Editor), Hunter Zimny (Director of Photography), Olmo Schnabel (Editor), Bruno di Corcia (Costume Designer), Lex Imgrüth (Costume Designer), Ben Morsberger (Original Music Composer), Nico Osborne (Boom Operator), Sam Stillman (Screenplay), Stephen C. Davies (Sound Re-Recording Mixer), and Charlie Chaspooley Robinson (Art Direction).
Here are some translations about the film:
Adam, Bobby et Caroline sont en classe de terminale dans le lycée d’une bourgade semi-rurale du sud des États-Unis. Ils essayent de trouver un sens à leur morne existence, entre les hauts et les bas de l’amour, le sexe, la solitude, l’amitié, le baseball et la mort. Tous sont aussi en quête de reconnaissance. Mais de fortes tensions commencent à voir le jour, qu’il faudra bien évacuer…
Language: French
A középiskolai baseballcsapat egyik legjobb játékosa nagykorúvá válik.
Language: Hungarian
Гиганты сущего одиночества
Драма о подростках, переживающих кризис взросления, повествует о старшеклассниках из сельской местности Хиллсборо на юге США. Они проводят свой последний год перед колледжем, играя в бейсбол, надеясь когда-нибудь стать профессионалами и одновременно погружаясь в пучину страха перед будущим.
Language: Russian
Language: Mandarin
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