The 監獄不設防 film has Horror, and Comedy genres.
The film was successfully completed and released in 1989 The spoken language used in the film is Cantonese.
In Jail House, Blackie has concocted a perfect escape plan. Then wardress 5354 is killed by accident when making love. She becomes the bad ghost, in contrast to the good ghost who dies in a previous escape attempt. Finally, the chief warden, the interior decorators, Blackie and the good ghost come to an agreement. They would get the chief warden's girl friend, the exorcist, to banish the bad ghost. To leave quietly too are Blackie and the good ghost...
監獄不設防 Film Stars:
Ha Chi-Chun as , Stanley Fung as Inspector Feng, Maria Cordero as , Amy Yip as , Joanna Chan Pui-San as , Loletta Lee as , Chan Kit-Ling as , Pauline Wong Yuk-Wan as , Edith Au Ngoi-Ling as , Edith Au Ngoi-Ling as , and Edith Au Ngoi-Ling as .
Professional involved in the making of this 監獄不設防 film:
and Ha Sao Hin (Director).
Here are some translations about the movie:
上世纪 70 年代,月黑风高之夜,卖身女陈珍(李丽珍 饰)越狱时不幸失足摔死,一缕魂魄被法师封于关帝像中。十年后同一所监狱,女狱警 5354(夏志珍 饰)和男性同僚偷情,结果不慎打破关帝像,致使陈珍鬼魂逃出,被陈珍鬼魂吓到的 5354 被关帝碎片刺中后脑身亡。女囚徒黑妹(陈佩珊 饰)天生具有阴阳眼,阴差阳错她和狱友都被陈珍好一阵戏弄,不过这对疏途女子到底成为好朋友。监狱有鬼,导致女犯们大为不满,她们联合起来向狱方施加压力。监狱长冯 Sir(冯淬帆 饰)无奈,想尽各种办法应对。另一方面,5354 因屈死而化作厉鬼,她大闹监狱,无人能够降伏。猛鬼现身,狱方和女囚们将会如何?
Language: Mandarin
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