The The Trigonal: Fight for Justice movie has Drama, Action, and Thriller genres.
The Trigonal: Fight for Justice Film was made by RSVP Film Studios, Cinefenio films, IndieGo Pictures, Piaya Network Broadcasting, and RS Video and Film Productions The film was successfully completed and released in 2018 The spoken language used in the film is English.
An underground fighting circuit run by an international crime syndicate invades a retired MMA champion's small, idyllic island hometown. Syndicate thugs brutally assault his wife and kill his best friend, leaving him with no other choice but to fight for justice.

The Trigonal: Fight for Justice Film Stars:
Jeffrey Quizon as Dodoy, Rhian Ramos as Annie Casa, Monsour Del Rosario as Sensei Mike Vasquez, Christian Vasquez as Allen, Tiequan Zhang as Coach Bao, Levi Ignacio as The Chemist, John Arceo as MC, Ian Ignacio as Jacob Casa, Paul Allica as James Lowe, Mekael Turner as Zulu, Gus Liem as Henry Tan, Sarah Chang as Mei Li, Vincent Soberano as Detective Tony Pascual, Nina Iaroslavtseva as Girlfriend, Jiangliang Li as Mongolian Fighter, Meiwa Javellana as Detective Kim Sanchez, Eddie Tsai as Zhang, and Qian Li Yang as Master Li.
Those involved in the making of the The Trigonal: Fight for Justice movie:
Oli Laperal Jr. (Executive Producer), Vincent Soberano (Director), Johan Macaraeg (Music), Danica Tolentino (Music), Takeyuki Onishi (Director of Photography), Jenny Uy-Estrope (Assistant Director), Nathan Bringuer (Colorist), and Rex Villamor (Editor).
Here are some translations about the movie:
파이트 포 저스티스
죽음의 섬에서 벌어지는 리얼 서바이벌 액션! 복수의 끝을 확인하라!
2년동안 5번의 우승을 거머쥔 최고의 격투기 선수 ‘제이콥’은 천만원의 우승 상금이 걸린 서바이벌 격투기 대회 ‘트라이고널’의 초대장을 받게 된다. 하지만, 제이콥의 아내 ‘애니’는 위험한 경기에 참여하는 것을 반대하고, 이에 악의를 품은 ‘트라이고널’ 조직에게 습격을 당해 ‘애니’는 혼수상태에 빠지게 된다. 실의에 빠진 ‘제이콥’은 단절된 죽음의 섬에서 최후의 복수를 다짐하게 되는데…
Language: Korean
Trigonal: Lutando Por Justiça
Language: Portuguese
Трігонал: Боротьба за справедливість
Підпільна бійцівська організація під управлінням великого злочинного синдикату порушує спокій сім'ї колишнього чемпіона зі змішаних бойових мистецтв. Головорізи жорстоко катують його дружину і вбивають його найкращого друга, не залишаючи в ньому нічого крім спраги помсти в ім'я справедливості.
Language: Ukrainian
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